Remember way back in the day when the NFL stuck the uprights smack in the middle of the end zone? Why don’t they do that anymore?
Remember way back in the day when the NFL stuck the uprights smack in the middle of the end zone? Why don’t they do that anymore?
Make sure you’re sitting down before watching the following clip of Madden NFL 09 because it has the potential to literally – BOOM! – knock you off your feet.
The most amazing part is that, just like in real life, you have no idea what team Brett Favre will be playing on. He might be posing on the cover wearing the familiar green and yellow, but, turns out, he’s randomly assigned to a different team in each copy of the game. We sure do hope we get to throw game-costing interceptions with Favre on the Cowboys!
This is seriously one of the sickest old men man ever and he’s exactly why parents need to keep an eye on their kids at all times when attending a ball game.
A man whose trial two years ago made public a long-held fetish for drinking the urine of young boys has surfaced again in the Columbus area.
And according to complaints filed with Dublin police, his fetish still has him helpless to resist it. …
Official reports indicate he has been observed putting Saran wrap on toilet seats in public, sports-related venues with the apparent intent to drink any urine collected there.
It was that practice that drew Patton to the attention of Gahanna authorities in 2006. During his trial, authorities said he collected urine from boys at a movie theater — and at times even paid for it.
Seriously, not even Herbert the Pervert would do something that gross.
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And finally, the best video of a guy catching a batting practice home run ever recorded.
Bad news for drunken Badger fans; the University of Wisconsin-Madison decided to continue their 2007 “Show and Blow” campaign which requires students who were previously busted for getting tanked at a home football game to blow into a Breathalyzer unit to get in. Of course, you gotta pass the test to enter (blowing .00 for underage students and under .08 for those over 21).
When asked for reaction to the renewal of the program, almost every student on campus responded, “This blows!”
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And finally, here’s a little something for the ladies out there. – Watch more free videos
Michael Vick has been in prison for a while now and although most people figure No. 7’s professional football career is as dead as a doornail, some team’s who are desperate for a quarterback are praying that Vick will still be serviceable when he gets out of the penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas. And for those people, Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank has got some good news.
He is staying in shape,” Blank told The News. “Apparently, there was a prison football team and he played quarterback for both sides.”
“He’s written me a couple of times,” Blank said. “I’ve written him back, he’s stayed in touch.”
“I just try to be supportive and as understanding as I can be,” Blank said. “He talks about the process he is going through and what he has learned, the lessons of life, how he’s going to come out a different person. He’s sorry he has affected so many people in a negative way — the league, our club, our fans. He feels awful about that. The letters sound quite sincere to me. From a mental standpoint, he sounds good.
From a mental standpoint, anytime you’re not personally electrocuting dogs, you’re probably going to sound a little better. But that’s just our hunch. It is a good idea to keep that arm loose though because we all know the Bears will still be struggling at QB when Vick is finally reinstated.
[]: Michael Vick playing prison football
Believe it or not, but yet another football league has gone under. Well, that’s not exactly true because the All American Football League isn’t giving up just yet. The AAFL is being forced to postpone its 2008 opening season until 2009 due to a lack of financial funding.
The league’s chief executive officer, Marcus Katz, said economic conditions forced the decision to scrap plans for this year.
“I invested 29 million dollars in cash to roll out the operations of the league,” Katz told the station, adding he was owed “a lot more money” by a student loan company.
“When I told the board I would subsidize the league, that was before the bond market collapsed,” Katz said.
Say what you will about Vince McMahon’s pathetic XFL, but at least they had an opportunity to prove they sucked on the field.
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[The Swim Aids]: Golfers don’t like the idea of random drug tests
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[Links Link]: It’s been a bad week for John Daly…wait, aren’t all his weeks bad weeks?
When Rich Rodriguez bolted from West Virginia in order to get his grubby little paws on his dream job at Michigan there was an obvious void left to be filled by the Mountaineers. It didn’t take long before coaches from around the country started sending in applications in an attempt to get their grubby little paws on the likes of Pat White. Well, they weren’t all coaches.
Joshua Irizarry is a 12-year-old who loves him some West Virginia football, so when he saw there was an opening; he slapped together a resume and fired it off to WV President Michael Garrison. Last month, Irizarry finally got a response saying: sorry, but the position has been filled by an “equally qualified candidate.”
Garrison said in an e-mail that Irizarry’s letter was one of the best he received, including details of his football experience, love of the game and an offer to coach under conditions determined by the university.
The letter also uses humor that university employees found entertaining: “I understand this would be a move more suited for a team like Temple, but I am just asking for your consideration.
Nice burn on Temple, kid. You know who probably would have snatched him up quicker than a hiccup is the Atlanta Falcons. After being stuck with backstabbing Bobby Petrino, the players would have loved the upgrade.
[]: Boy, 12, gets response to W. Va. Coaching inquiry
We know that March is typically a month dedicated to the madness that is tournament-style college basketball. So, we figured there is no better way to get you ready for the thrilling comebacks and last-second victories that will inevitably come as the month draws on than by hitting you upside the noggin with one of the greatest rallies in the history of sports. Sure, it’s close to 15 years old and its high school football, but it is guaranteed to get the juices flowing for a month when anything that can’t happen usually does.
Here’s the setup, Plano East (TX) is trailing John Tyler (TX) by 24 points with just three minutes to go. Enjoy.
[]: Amazing Comeback
SportsCenter certainly isn’t making any friends with fans who like sports not named football. We’ve always known that ESPN was partial to the pigskin (and we can’t really blame them), but Sports Business Daily did some research and found that SC basically wipes every other sport right off the docket during November.
The study showed that last November the fellas behind the desk yapped about football for a whopping 15 hours plus during their nightly 11:00 airings! Outside of football, the NBA was about the only sport talked about, accounting for 3:46:36 during the entire month. Obviously this country is football crazy, especially during November and December, but the show is called SportsCenter, right?
Boxing– 0:00:25
Etc– 1:19:32
MLB– 1:35:23
MLS– 0:02:28
MMA– 0:00:00
NASCAR– 0:47:13
NBA– 3:46:36
NCAA Basketball– 1:53:13
NCAA Football– 4:38:22
NCAA Women’s Basketball– 0:05:15
NCAA Other Sports– 0:00:00
NFL– 10:40:46
NHL– 0:32:58
Olympics– 0:00:53
Tennis– 0:01:46
WNBA– 0:00:00![]()
[Awful Announcing]: Breaking Down Sports Center In November
You remember the lateral-laden, game-ending touchdown from last season, right? We know it’s been a while and there was a whole lot of great action in college football since then, but there’s no way you could forget. Well, no matter how many times you’ve viewed the fantastic finish between Division III’s Trinity and Millsaps, you probably haven’t seen it from this angle. And if you have, are you really going to complain about seeing 87 laterals on one play one more time?