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Backyard boneheads

Pro wrestling gets virtually no respect, constantly getting treated like a joke amongst the sporting spectrum. Hell, the potheads at the X-Games are given more legitimacy than wrasslers. But there is a group of guys who are undeniably more mentally challenged than pro wrestlers: backyard wrestlers! – Watch more free videos

All Other Sports

Roof + fence + jumping = OUCH!

What ever happened to just playing baseball when you’re at a baseball field?

Kids these days!

General Sports

Something to be thankful for

Thanksgiving always has a way of creeping up on us, but this year we actually remembered before the Wednesday night prior to the big day. So, considering that we’re in the seasonal spirit a bit early this year, we thought we’d bring you a video you can be thankful for. At least you can be thankful that you’re not any of the people in the video.

All right, can I get a drumstick now?


This is what happens when Jackass and the Golf Channel violently cross paths

Yeah, it’s Monday and, yeah, life kinda stinks when you have to leave your weekends of football and ice coldies for another five days of slaving for the man.  Well, here’s a great way to let out some of that left over aggression or to pick you back up from a Monday morning let down.  Of course, you have to find an idiot friend who’s willing to be a human target for you, but that shouldn’t be too difficult.

Any volunteers?


[Our Book of Scrap]: Human Target Practice Using Golf Balls

All Other Sports

Who’s up for some Groinball? (Yup, it’s basically what you think it is)

We make no secrets about it; we just love watching guys crumple in pain after a perfectly placed shot to the nuts. Then we found out that there is an entire sport dedicated to our passion. It’s called Groinball and it’s got rules and everything. At least the YouTube description says it does.

Groinball is a game with a rich tradition. It was invented by the Japanese shortly after the second world war, but stolen by the white man and brought back to America, where it was developed into the modern game we all love. Two teams of two compete in Groinball. Two opposition players face each other inside a box marked on the ground and place their hands on each others’ shoulders whilst their respective partners stand behind them. The object is for the players outside of the box to bounce tennis balls between their team mate’s legs so that they hit the opponent in the groin. The game is scored much like boxing in that points are given for hits (2X points for friendly fire) and the match ends after a pre-determined period or through a KO (defined as a player crumbling and hitting the floor).

And all these years we never realized that by trying to whack little Timmy from down the street in the package with a racquetball we were really on the verge of creating sport. With just a lil’ more innovation, we could have been these losers. Damn!

All Other Sports

For the future track and field stars of America: javelins are sharp

July 7, 2007 will probably be remembered for the lavish, Hollywood wedding of Desperate Housewives actress Eva Longoria and San Antonio point guard Tony Parker, but while big time celebrities were getting drunk and dancing in France, Kyler Osborne was being impaled on a javelin.

The 14-year-old Osborne was practicing his favorite event for the Junior Olympics when, in a moment of frustration, he threw the javelin to the ground in front of him on an approach and simply ran himself right through the back, equally sharp, end of the spear.

My steps were off and I was frustrated, so I threw it in the ground in front of me and my momentum kind of carried me into it. It happened so fast,” said Kyler. “I came back off of it and I lifted up my shirt and saw there was a pretty good-size hole.

Kyler’s father rushed him to the hospital and to their surprise, instead of finding a relatively minor puncture wound, the doctor discovered that the javelin went through his entire body and put a small hole in his liver and nicked a lung but miraculously avoided his heart, gallbladder and at least three major arteries.

It was 07/07/07, so it was really my lucky and unlucky day, all at once,” said Kyler.

We’re thrilled that Kyler escaped serious injury and is expected to make a full recovery because now we get to say that we tried to warn him.


[]: Close call with a javelin

All Other Sports

Apparently, there’s no rule against biting in rugby

While we don’t do a lot of rugby reporting, you’ll never catch us calling rugby players soft; especially after we heard about Ben Czislowski. Back on April 1, Czislowski was rugby-ing it up for his Australian club (Wynnum) against the appropriately named Tweed Heads when he had a nasty collision with the competition’s Matt Austin. Czislowski’s head had to be stitched up, but it’s all in a day’s work for rugby dudes, right? Not quite.

Four months later, Czislowski went to the doctor because he was suffering from pains in his head and felt lethargic. The good doctor quickly discovered the source of Ben’s problem: Austin’s tooth was embedded in his head!!

I can laugh about it now, but the doctor told me it could have been serious, with teeth carrying germs,” said Czislowski.

“I’ve got the tooth at home, sitting on the bedside table,” he said. “‘If he (Austin) wants it back he can have it. I’m keeping it at the moment as proof that it actually happened.

Now, we know that having a tooth stuck in your head for four months has got to be totally lame, but we’re still trying to decide on how it compares to having a pearly white lodged in other parts of your anatomy. Hmm, this sounds like a question for Mick Foley. Oh, Mick…


[Metro.Co.UK]: Rugby player finds tooth stuck in head