General Sports

Say hello to NASCAR’s biggest diva

As far at the question of “Do you NASCAR?” goes, the answer is not really, but if you’re talking about the blog then we say “Hell yeah!” Anytime something breaks in the world of redneck racing NASCAR, we go straight to to get the scoop. Today we got the rundown of the sports sexiest divas and while we always knew NASCAR was loaded with honeys (we have seen Talladega Nights after all), we didn’t realize just how high caliber the tail actually was until now. At least Kyle Busch won’t be single for long.

10. Nicole Biffle (wife of Greg Biffle)
9. Katie Kenseth (wife of Matt Kenseth)
8. Lynne Allmendinger (wife of AJ Allmendinger)
7. Buffy Waltrip (wife of Michael Waltrip)
6. Crystal Hornish (wife of Sam Hornish Jr.)
5. Krissie Newman (wife of Ryan Newman)
4. Eva Busch (wife of Kurt Busch)
3. Ashley Judd (wife of Dario Franchitti)
2. Ingrid Vondebosch (wife of Jeff Gordon)
1. Chandra Johnson (wife of Jimmie Johnson)

And let’s not forgot about racing’s original diva: Trixie (girlfriend of Speed Racer)


[Do You NASCAR?]: NASCAR’s Sexiest Divas

General Sports

Greg Biffle hates dog killers, this means you Michael

Michael Vick is scheduled to appear in court on Thursday afternoon where he will enter a plea on the dogfighting charges against him. While most people are in total agreement that Vick is a lowlife and he should never play in the NFL again, the majority of athletes are keeping their mouths shut about the whole case. Well, except for Clinton Portis and we all know how swimmingly that went.

But the waiting for a sports figure to stand up and speak their mind is no more because NASCAR driver Greg Biffle has stepped up to the plate. Biffle is an animal rights advocate and he had no problem with forgetting the whole notion of “innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.” And we don’t blame him.

I just wish they’d put him in jail and be done with it.”

“Just put him in prison and tell the general public, just give them all the details of what they do with those dogs,” Biffle said. “How they steal people’s dogs out of their front yards and use them for bait dogs and let other dogs kill them. There’s all the horrifying stories. You look at all the pictures on the Internet of the dogs, just maimed, mangled. It’s horrible.

While Biffle wants the judge to throw the book at Vick for his dog murdering ways, he also admitted that the Falcons QB is not the only one involved with the illegal blood sport.

It goes on everywhere. He’s not the only guy. It goes on in this state too,” Biffle said. “Maybe they’ll use him as an example and maybe get some other people to think about whether they want to be in federal prison with him or not.

However, we would like to add that if they really want to make an example out of Vick, somewhere during sentencing there must be mention of a ferret and Vick’s groin.


[]: Biffle says of Vick: `I just with they’d put him in jail.’