College Basketball

Odds and Ends: Pokey Chatman sold out by assistant coach

We know that a coach sleeping with his or her players is wrong (unless that player is Jennie Finch, in which case we say, bravo…) but did assistant coach Carla Berry really have to go all Judas on her? It wasn’t like Pokey was having sex with a current player. It was a former player. We’re talking former. Not current. Former! (Thank God for AI.)

According to ESPN, Berry is a longtime friend and colleague of Chatman’s and her motivation for alerting university officials was “unclear”. Chatman, meanwhile, is hiding out until this whole thing blows over and then she’ll get a fat contract from a program who just wants to win. Sex with players or not, Pokey delivered as a coach. Although her contract will be the first with a “no sex with players” clause.

In other news…


[Dallas Morning News]: T.O. didn’t bother to learn the playbook

[USA Today]: Who knew Hang Time could prepare Reggie Theus for the NCAAs?

[The Offside]: I really am a soccer player!

[WBRS]: Phil Simms in a skit with Geico Caveman TV Show (there’s just so many things wrong with this)

[HeraldNet]: How the hell did Shaun Alexander not get laid till he was 24?

[]: Steve Nash’s soccer skills

College Basketball

Oh so that’s why Pokey Chatman left so quickly

We were wondering why everyone was searching for Pokey Chatman. Yes, it’s a little odd when the coach of the #10 ranked team in womens college basketball announces she’s leaving just before the NCAA tourney but not to merit the amount of buzz that “Pokey Chatman” was getting. But now the reason is clear.

The New Orleans Times-Picayune is reporting that the reason for Chatman’s abrupt departure is because she had inappropriate conduct with players and ESPN reported that she had improper sexual relations with a former player. Although she was originally expected to coach the team through the NCAA tourney, she is going to leave immediately instead.

This story would be 1000x better if it was Coach K/ JJ Redick, Pat Riley/Tim Hardway, or Jerry Sloan/ John Amaechi. Oh man that would be priceless.

[Times-Picayune]: Chatman avoids NCAA tournament, leaves LSU

MLB General

Tommy Lasorda couldn’t have paid for hookers… he’s too cheap!

Rumor: Lasorda likes his hookers to
dress up in panda suits

This story has been all over the blogosphere for a couple of days now and we’ve avoided it because the thought of Tommy Lasorda getting oral is pretty damn disgusting but there was a quote in the NY Post’s Page Six today that made us jump in.

Lasorda’s lawyer, Tony Cappazola, was also indignant. “He’s very upset. It’s a slimy book so full of inaccuracies. For instance, she says she called Tommy back on his cellphone and he didn’t even have a cellphone . . . She’s an over-the-hill, desperate hooker attempting to make a buck,” said the lawyer, who scoffed at Gibson’s claim that Lasorda paid $1,500 in cash. “You know Lasorda. He wouldn’t buy lunch,” Cappazola said.

This is what we call the Homer Simpson defense. I wasn’t drinking and driving… I was out buying porn! A lot of bloggers have wondered why Tommy Lasorda needs to pay for sex (he did lose 30 lbs in 3 months, you know). As Charlie Sheen said, he doesn’t pay them for sex, he pays them to go away.


Los Angeles Kings

SI journalist loves his hypocrisy

We love sex. We love hot chicks. We know that hot chicks and sports go hand in hand. Hell, one of our readers suggested that we do a feature on hot chicks discovered at sporting events. (send us any ideas…)

You know who else loves hot chicks? Sports Illustrated. Take a look at their photo galleries. You have “cheerleader of the week”, “college cheerleaders”, “NBA cheerleaders” and whenever there’s a big event, “women of ___”. So how is it that a guy writing a column for SI can possibly criticize the LA Kings for their billboards with a hot blonde on it for trying “to attract fans by selling sex.” Oh and on the day that the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue was released.

Shouldn’t his editor have nixed the column based on timing? It could be argued that they knew exactly what they were doing. But we doubt it. Anyway just one more SI guy without a clue. Peter King is getting more and more company.

Whatever. Here’s another photo of the too hot Elisha Cuthbert.

[SI]: Desperate Kings using sex to sell tickets

Seattle Seahawks

Odds and Ends: Well, at least one person was having fun at Qwest Field on Sunday

Don’t mess with Al Davis

What to do when your team is getting beaten by the left guard they declined to resign and his new team? Have sex in a bathroom stall of course.

A prosecutor from nearby Thurston County was arrested after two female Qwest stadium employees told security that the man was having sex in a womens bathroom stall with a woman. The man claimed that he was simply going to the bathroom and not having sex… with a paralegal he’s worked with for the last 8 years. Ummm… OK.

In other news…

[Inside Bay Area]: Al Davis threatens to kick reporter’s ass

[]: Chad Johnson talks all sorts of trash about “DeAngelo Fall”

[SI]: Tennessee mascot accused of biting Alabama player

[NY Post]: Isiah’s impact: Knicks Season ticket sales down 15%

[Mirror UK]: London will get first NFL regular season away game

[Cincinnati Enquirer]: Big Ben says a Falcon made fun of his motorcycle accident


Playstation and Sex ruined Ronaldinho

Millions of heartbroken Brazilians can blame the French and EA Sports for costing them the World Cup which the Brazilian national team was heavily favored to win. The UK tabloid The Sun reported that Ronaldinho would break curfew and sneak into his girlfriend Alexandra Parressant’s hotel room to have sex all night during the World Cup and then stay up playing 2006 FIFA World Cup on the PS2.

According to Alexandra, he would go to her hotel room almost every night and tear it up.

He is as much a performer in the bedroom as he is on the football pitch. One night he made me scream with such pleasure, the people on the hotel terrace below heard us because my window was open.

However, Paressant won’t take the blame. “Instead, his habit of playing PlayStation after their romps may have knocked his form.” Now, we love the FIFA Germany ’06 game as much as anyone but we also don’t have a model screaming in hotel rooms. Oh, did we mention that she is French? And who knocked Brazil out of the World Cup? We smell a conspiracy here.

[Hindustan Times]: Ronaldinho’s romps spoiled WC Samba!
[Gamespot]: Sex, PS2 blamed for Brazil star’s WC failure


England coach rewards players with sex

After what many deemed an unimpressive victory over Paraguay, Coach Sven Goan Eriksson probably figured the boys needed to let some pressure off so he waived his normal sex ban and let the team spend some time with their wives and girlfriends. (We assume they brought one or the other to the WC and not both.)

There are only two reasons for this entry today. 1) We are reminded that professional athletes always get the best tail. 2) An excuse to post a picture of Cheryl Tweedy, girlfriend of Ashley Cole. There’s rumors that Ashley is gay but if nailing Cheryl Tweedy is gay, then sign us up.

[Sun UK]: England’s group sex!

All Other Sports

The key to picking up chicks is texting

This is my texting finger

We have no idea who Shane Warne is but apparently, he is the cricket world’s answer to Wilt Chamberlain. His method of seduction? Heavy texting.

Last year, during a split with his wife as a result of a previous affair, he was caught cheating again having sex with a woman on the hood of his BMW. Of course a “friend” of the woman’s found her cell phone and released all the dirty text messages that Warne had sent her. He actually comes off as rather desperate for a professional athlete.

On Sunday, he was at it again. This time, a British tabloid (do they have regular newspapers in Britain?) released more text messages and photos of his three-way with two models, Emma Kearney and Coralie Eichholtz. Coralie was also the model who punched out Cameron Diaz for stepping on her dress. Is there anything this girl won’t do for publicity?

Shane blew our minds. He was so fit. I’d give him top marks for more than satisfying us. He was talking dirty all the time. It was full-on, hardcore and we had a great time. In the trouser department, he was above average.

Dammit, just once we’d like someone to say that about us. How much would that cost?


[IBNLive]: Caught out! Shane sex romp taped
[News of the world]: Photo Slideshow (NSFW)