Millions of heartbroken Brazilians can blame the French and EA Sports for costing them the World Cup which the Brazilian national team was heavily favored to win. The UK tabloid The Sun reported that Ronaldinho would break curfew and sneak into his girlfriend Alexandra Parressant’s hotel room to have sex all night during the World Cup and then stay up playing 2006 FIFA World Cup on the PS2.
According to Alexandra, he would go to her hotel room almost every night and tear it up.
He is as much a performer in the bedroom as he is on the football pitch. One night he made me scream with such pleasure, the people on the hotel terrace below heard us because my window was open.
However, Paressant won’t take the blame. “Instead, his habit of playing PlayStation after their romps may have knocked his form.” Now, we love the FIFA Germany ’06 game as much as anyone but we also don’t have a model screaming in hotel rooms. Oh, did we mention that she is French? And who knocked Brazil out of the World Cup? We smell a conspiracy here.
[Hindustan Times]: Ronaldinho’s romps spoiled WC Samba!
[Gamespot]: Sex, PS2 blamed for Brazil star’s WC failure