New Orleans Saints

Reggie Bush is getting married…not!

We all know that athletes are notorious pranksters, but over the weekend it was the Saints’ Reggie Bush who got punk’d by his big-bootyed baby Kim Kardashian. The duo hosted a white party up in the Hamptons and since Bush refused to do any interviews, Kim decided to get her kicks.

“I’m not doing interviews,” Bush said. But he let Kardashian speak for him.

“His training camp starts in a week in New Orleans and he just started his mini camp, so he has the next few days off before he buckles down,” she said.

What makes him a good boyfriend? “The fact that he came with me all the way to the Hamptons on his day off when all of his friends are in Las Vegas on their usual – you know, [getaway].”

As for the sparkling ring she was wearing, Kardashian told PEOPLE, “I’m about two months pregnant right now and we’re getting married on August 8th of 2008.”

Bush appeared stricken until she added, “It’s a joke.” But the possibility is still very real. When asked if she’d like to have kids one day and get married, Kardashian said, “Yes, of course. I’d love to get married.”

Whew! That was a close one. Rumor has it that Reggie was in the next county before someone caught him and told him it was all in jest.


[People]: Kim Kardashian & Reggie Bush Host White Party

New Orleans Saints

“"Happy birthday, Mr. Bush. Happy birthday to you. Tee-hee!”””””

Life is good for Reggie Bush. After getting blindsided in the National Championship against Texas in 2006, the Heisman winner has put together a nice career for himself in New Orleans and appears poised to become one of the fiercest all-around weapons of mass destruction in the entire NFL. And speaking of weapons of mass destruction, quite possibly Bush’s greatest achievement since going pro was hooking up with the well-endowed Kim Kardashian. Not only is she a sex queen, a Playboy model and the envy of flat-assed white girls the world over, but she does stuff like this for her man.

Kim Kardashian says on her website that she recently had laser treatment to get rid of cellulite on and around her ass. She says she got it because she wanted to be in great shape for a calendar she made for her boyfriend Reggie Bush’s birthday.

God bless you Kim Kardashian, God bless you.


[]: `Bush And The Tush’ Update
[]: Kim Kardashian Gets Ass Treatment, New Calendar Photos

New Orleans Saints

Did Reggie Bush set the monkeys free at the Playboy Mansion?

According to Scott Wolf of the L.A. Daily News, Reggie Bush has been banned from the Playboy Mansion for… something.

While we’d like to imagine that it was because Reggie took more than his alloted share of Hef’s girls, it didn’t have anything to do with a Playmate. (In any case, that’s probably more up Matt Leinart’s alley.)

We really need to know what Reggie Bush did to get banned from the mansion. We know it wasn’t setting the monkeys free — that was actually Pauly Shore.


[The Wizard of Odds]: Bush Banned From Playboy Mansion?

New Orleans Saints

Maxim has found the F Da Eagles Saints Girl

Her parents must be so proud:

-“You know my daughter Heather?”
-“Oh, you mean F**k Da Eagles Heather? I saw her spread in Maxim.”

Yes, the fine folks over at Maxim immediately jumped onto the instant celebrity bandwagon and hunted down Heather Rothstein, the girl who wore the shirt on the Eagles-Saints telecast that said “Fuck Da Eagles“. She looks pretty good in the Maxim spread. For looking like ass on TV, she claims that she was completely wasted. We’ll reserve judgment.

She says that she went to the Saints-Bears game in Chicago and it was the worst experience of her life.

I had a really crappy experience in Chicago. People threw eggs, donuts, beer and snowballs at us. And they were cowards about it. They would throw something at us, and then we’d turn around and nobody would be there. I mean, if you have the balls to throw an egg at me you better have the balls for me to kick your ass.

It was the most terrible sports experience I’ve ever been through. And the dick-to-chick ratio sucked. For every 500 guys there was one girl. It was terrible. And in New Orleans, it’s guy-girl, guy-girl, guy-girl. It’s southern hospitality down there. We’ll get you shit-faced on Bourbon Street before we whoop your football team’s ass, and then we all drink together again after. So it was like a real culture shock for me. I was like “Wow, you guys suck!” They were mean.

Heather has season tickets and sits in the same seats every game. Looking at the 2007 schedule, we’re gonna need extra security around there as the Eagles visit New Orleans… and, well, Eagles fans travel well and are insane. Good luck next year, Heather, and for chrissakes, please don’t start writing for CNNSI.

[Maxim]: F**k Da Eagles Heather photos

New Orleans Saints

Classy Saints Fan

Nice of Fox to show this during the Saints-Eagles game and stay on her for 5 seconds. Fuck Da Eagles? A trailer somewhere is missing its trash.

New Orleans Saints

Yaaaawn: Reggie Bush accepted improper gifts

Give it back?

Yahoo has finished an 8 month investigation to definitively tell you, the sports fan, that Reggie Bush received financial benefits worth more than $100,000 while playing at USC. While the $100k figure might be a little staggering, does any football fan still believe that top flight prospects at the collegiate level don’t receive gifts or preferential treatment?

Apart from the shady Michael Michaels (never trust anyone with the same first and last name) and the house that the Bush family lived rent free in for a year, Yahoo is reporting that the family received multiple gifts and paid trips from Bush’s current marketing representative Mike Ornstein while Bush was at USC. All the trips, suits, makeovers, etc. were put on the credit card of Jamie Fritz, an employee of Ornstein’s. When asked about it, Ornstein said that they were loans and Fritz’s credit card had to be used because the Bushs didn’t have one and everything needs to be booked with a credit card. Of course, he didn’t address the weekly payments of at leat $1,500 to the Bush family.

Meanwhile, there is talk of repossessing the Heisman Trophy and the BCS negating the Trojan’s 2004 national championship. But does anyone really care? Reggie Bush and his family received over $100,000 while he was in college. Reggie Bush is now making $55M with the Saints. What does this have to do with anything? Does it denigrate the integrity of the game? How much money did BCS make off of Reggie Bush in the championship games he played? Just let it go people.


[Yahoo]: Cash and carry

[Yahoo]: Dan Wetzel: Take back the title

[TrojanWire]: On the Prospect of Retroactive Penalties

New Orleans Saints

Odds and Ends: Adidas should thank the NFL for the free advertising

Golden cleats

Reggie Bush was fined for wearing Adidas cleats in his first preseason game by the NFL because they have a marketing deal with Nike and Reebok. Well Adidas is covering the fine for Bush and we suspect they would do it every week if need be because of the free publicity the NFL is giving them. Sponsorship dollars is one thing but players should be able to wear whatever equipment they want as long as it fits within the color scheme and is a matter of personal preference.

In other news…

[MSNBC]: Koren Robinson arrested for DWI

[Sportsline]: Clarett may get gag order on robbery charges

[Reuters]: Michele Wie to shill for Sony

[Morisato’s blog]: The Worst Trades In Baseball History

[Chicago Tribune]: These days, ‘I had a bad day’ isn’t good enough for an athlete to explain his failures

[Yahoo]: Landis’ former cycling team to cease operations

New Orleans Saints

Odds and Ends for Tues May 1 2006: Reggie Bush is still #1

They don’t even know what number he’ll be yet but they don’t care. Saints fans have already ordered 15,000 Reggie Bush Saints jerseys. At 75 bucks a pop, that’s more money than the value of the house his parents live in for free. You think anyone cares about the housing scandal? We hear the Texans have already sold 4 Mario Williams jerseys.

In other news…

[Newsday]: (via Ben ESPN ratings for the NFL draft were up year over year from 4.1 to 4.7 despite competition from the NFL Network.

[ESPN]: Marcus Vick is headed to rookie QB camp in Miami. The good news is that if anyone tries to jack him, he’s strapped.

[MSNBC]: Why settle for one when you can ask for two? Schwarzenegger wants 2 NFL teams in LA.

[Reuters]: Reggie Evans fined $10k for testicle pull.

New Orleans Saints

Finally! Good news for Saints

Even though he was only half-serious, Aaron Brooks gave Saints fans a glimmer of hope when he threatened to quit.

We move one more time and I’m quitting,” he said.

The Saints had to move from their semi-permanent home at the Alamodome to accommodate an NCAA Volleyball tourney that’s taking place there.  We should understand how Brooks feels.  Div I football players don’t ever have to move for a non-revenue sport like Volleyball.