Washington Redskins

Chris Cooley is a dancing machine

Chris Cooley got married to a babe the other day and the wedding party looked like quite a blast. After all, it’s not too often that you get to see a giant-sized man dance around in white pants, a black vest and pink tie. But would you expect anything less from the man known as Captain Chaos? However, if you ask the best man about Chris’ big day, it really doesn’t sound all that exciting.

I do know that the groom’s day went as follows: picked up tuxes, packed for the honeymoon, paced around, watched groomsmen play guitar hero, paced around, backyard football, and finally driving to the place after some pacing around. The rest of the day seemed like an incredible blur of events.

Here are some highlights:

* The Reverend decided to kick things off a little behind schedule and almost had to meet with some groomsmen in the back room.

* The wedding planner now needs high blood pressure medication.

* People took pictures like free ipod nanos.

* We ate dinner ala banquet style only better food.

* There was the cake cut, garder pull, best man speech, and dancing til the lights turned on.

* After party Karaoke (minus newlyweds)

We’re sure Mr. and Mrs. Cooley had a fantastic day and all, but it’s just not a party until Brady Quinn starts grabbing his crotch.


[]: Chris Cooley’s Wedding Looks Like Fun
[]: The Best Man’s take on the Cooley wedding