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Odds and Ends: Formula 1 just got a little too freaky for our taste

Americans have a hard enough time getting into NASCAR, so when it comes to F1, most are pretty lost. Of course, now that there is a little sex scandal sprinkled into the vroom, vroom then it just might catch on.

FIA president Max Mosley is under intense pressure to resign his position with the Formula 1 governing body after the British tabloid News of the World divulged an illicit video showing Mosley with a group of prostitutes dressed as Nazi prison guards.

Several media outlets report that the video is said to show Mosley at a high-end brothel in Chelsea, taking part in several hours of role-playing and sado-masochistic behavior. The part of the tape that raises the most concern is Mosley reportedly speaking German with the prostitutes, who were dressed as Nazis.

Wow! Even Eliot Spitzer thinks this is over the top.

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All Other Sports

Robert Kubica’s F1 Montreal crash video

We’re convinced that the only reason people watch auto racing is for the crashes and the alcohol. So go grab yourself a glass of Jack and cozy up to this video. Pound the jack and watch the video. There, we just saved you 3 hours.