After being picked up for driving drunk in Jacksonville back in November, Jaguars offensive tackle Khalif Barnes decided to let the Jacksonville law enforcement know exactly how he felt about them. And apparently, he feels like Jacksonville is not too far away from burning crosses and wearing white sheets and calls the arresting officer a “KKK devil that hates all colored people.”
This is unbelievable, man, unbelievable being a pro athlete in Jacksonville. I can’t wait to get out of here. Can’t wait,” Barnes said while handcuffed in the back of a Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office patrol car. “Especially if you’re black.”
About 20 minutes later, still in the patrol car, he said, “Of all the places in the — world that I came to this — hick town. They — hate us here. Why you even want to have a pro team here? What’s the use? They don’t even — respect you.
Luckily for us all of us Barnes tirade was caught on tape by a camera positioned in the back seat of the officers car. Barnes’ alcohol level was at .12 which is over the Florida limit of .08, but his lawyers are arguing, as Barnes did in the video, that the officer did not have enough probable cause to arrest him.
But even if he gets off the hook for the drunken driving charge, there’s no court that can recant what he had to say in the back of that patrol car. And cops tend to hold grudges against people who call them racist, so Barnes might want to consider calling a limo the next time he gets a bit tipsy. And fans have been know to hold grudges as well, so be prepared for the boos to rain down the next time he takes the field in that “hick town.”
[]: Arrest video shows Jaguars lineman blasting city, cops