Now that the baseball season is underway, we know you are clamoring to jump out of the gate with a ferocity never seen before by your fellow managers in your fantasy baseball league. After all, we all know that your performance last year was a complete debacle. Luckily, the fellas at the Armchair Association put together 5 Ways To Undermine Your Fantasy Baseball League which should hopefully give you the extra assistance you need in order to avoid the league cellar once again. While all five of these nuggets are great advice, we must admit that No. 1 is perhaps the most important.
1. Always work a trade with a drunk person – I don’t know about you, but pretty regularly I get late night IMs from people that inevitably go like this: “Dude, what’s up?” “Nothing, about to go to bed” “Man, I am fucking WASTED!” “Oh really?” “YAIS!” “Hey, I was looking at your team, we should make a trade.” Using this strategy I was once able to pull off a Albert Pujols for Steve Kline & Runelvys Hernandez deal that shook my league to the core. Unfortunately, I was also taken by this against my better drunken judgement in the form of Ryan Howard and Hanley Ramirez for Carlos Zambrano and Vladimir Guerrero in the early parts of last season. It always works. Your first response to “I’m drunk.” (unless it’s a chick, in which case your response should obviously be “I have a case of High Life, I should swing by.”) should be, “We should make a trade.
And the strategy isn’t limited to MLB. If we’re not mistaken, this is exactly how the ball got rolling between the Mavs and the Nets when Jason Kidd got dealt.
[Armchair Association]: 5 Ways To Undermine Your Fantasy Baseball League