We know that ESPN has a ton of time to kill every week, so we can understand all the greatest highlight gimmicks and even the contest to determine the hottest athletes, but we have no idea what Bullseye Ball is. Nor do we want to after seeing who its champion is.
On second thought, it might not be the most glamorous segment ever on ESPN, but anything that keeps Stu Scott off the screen can’t be all that bad.
3 replies on “ESPN slips deeper into the toilet”
Bullseye Ball champ — This guy has worked his way up to world champion & finally gets his 5 minutes of fame! Glad to see ESPN picked up this story. Rather watch Bullseye Ball than the NHL any day.
DAMN — that announcer girl is hot
This Guy Mike Is A Star — This Mike guy is a star. ESPN knows what it’s doing. I can’t wait till he starts marketing his own designer brand of signature pink socks/wrist bands/headbands. Eat your heart out Fox Sports!