All Other Sports

Jon Bon Jovi doesn’t like mainstream sports

Are you one of those people who can watch absolutely any trivial garbage that comes across your television screen? If so, then, boy oh boy, do we have the show for you!

NBC announced yesterday that they will have a sports/reality show where people compete for a chance to participate in the U.S. championships which could even lead to a trip to the 2010 Olympics. Not spicy enough for you? Well, what if we throw Bruce Springsteen or Jon Bon Jovi into the mix? Sounds like a crazy combo already, but you haven’t heard anything yet. So, are you curious to know the sport these athletes will be competing in? Would you believe us if we said curling? Better yet, what if we told you the name of the show was going to be Rockstar Curling?

According to sources, the two rock stars are among a group of entertainment types who rent arena time on occasion to pick up brooms instead of guitars.

Organizers are trying to negotiate a deal to get one of them involved, possibly as a host.

The series is the brainchild of New York-based sports marketing agency mktpartners and Carr-Hughes Productions of Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Mktpartners has an office in Toronto and has an advertising commitment from the likes of Tourism Canada, sources say.

“This show is all about the opportunity to expose American viewers to curling,” said Colin Campbell, Canadian president of mktpartners and one of the creators of the show. “We feel there might be some great athletes out there who might develop into good curlers given the chance.

We know lots of people actually enjoy the sport, but we just don’t see how it will translate to the tube. Of course, we thought Pirate Island had more potential than Dancing With the Stars, so what do we know.


[]: Rock stars courted for curling reality show

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