Roy Williams is a heck of a wide receiver, but no matter how many yards he accumulates or touchdowns he celebrates, his ball-snagging abilities are nothing compared to his knack for spittin’ sweet quotes. And this guy makes some insane catches. While this year wasn’t his finest campaign on the field, his appearances on the local sports talk radio shows were par none. So, here’s a nice sampling of Williams’ Orch Dork’s best work in 2007.
On why Jeff Garcia stunk in Detroit:
Cause he blamed everybody else. He blamed everybody else but himself. Like it’s (the receivers’) fault. In the West Coast system, my son can run the West Coast system and he’s only two.
Since you grew up in Texas, you’ve never had to shovel anything have you?
Maybe some cow manure or something.
What do you think he (Shaun Rogers) likes more playing football or eating?
I’d have to say football. You know they say the football is pigskin. He may eat the football.
So are you the skittish type? Like afraid of thunderstorms?
What? No. Not me. … I’m scared of people; some people can look scary. We had a wideout dinner Friday night at the MGM, which is pretty good at Bourbon Steak … and there’s a guy who walked in, had on all black. He had stringy hair that he parted from the middle … and I kept my eye on him the whole time.
On Joey Harrington:
I’ve always been a Joey fan — still am a Joey fan. I don’t think it was just Joey. I think it was guys in the locker room (who were) a little soft. Seeing what I see now, I don’t think guys really cared about winning. All they really cared about was (a Lions assistant) dropping their checks off Monday morning. That’s just the way I felt my first two years here. I think that was just the main problem.
What was that dance you did? You did like a shimmy, and your stomach was showing.
Yeah little shimmy little shake. Just a fat wide receiver in the NFL trying to make a play for his team.
Did you just call yourself a fat wide receiver?
Oh no question. I used to have a six-pack you know. I don’t know where that thing went.
It’s all that Pizza Hut bro.
(Laughs) No question, no question.
[Freep.com]: Best of Roy Williams Part One
[Freep.com]: Best of Roy Williams Part Two
[Freep.com]: Best of Roy Williams Part Three