San Antonio Spurs

Brent Barry is really, really excited about getting his second ring

We know that it is hard to look forward to the NBA season when the pigskin is still flying, but the drama of professional hoops gets underway on Tuesday whether you watch it or not. However, before the refs can toss up the opening jump ball, there’s one small piece of business that has to be taken care of first. David Stern has some hardware to hand out.

But Stern might want to be careful whenever it comes time to give Brent `Bones’ Barry his ring. After all, when the Spurs got their 2005 rings from the commish, it was Barry that planted a big ol’ smooch on Stern.

Last time I got in a little bit of trouble for kissing him. I said something like him tasting flakey. It was like kissing my grandma. I don’t know if he took too kindly to that, but we had some fun,” Barry told “You only get that moment if you’re lucky – I mean you only get that moment once. Since I have it twice – I don’t know. Maybe I’ll look for some tongue.

If a French kiss is what happens after two rings, we’d hate to be Stern should San Antonio go for a repeat. Hmmm, maybe his refs can help him prevent that situation from occurring. Ah, never mind; that would imply the NBA is crooked and we all know better than that.


[]: Will Brent Barry Kiss the NBA Commissioner?

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