New York Yankees

Odds and Ends: Yankees fans aren’t delusional at all

ESPN had an interesting poll on how the addition of Roger Clemens affects their postseason chances. A majority of voters (48%) said they’d miss the playoffs while 17% though they will be World Series Champs. What’s interesting is that only in 3 states do a majority of folks feel that the Yankees will be champions at year’s end: New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Delusion in a powerful force. (via be Recruited)

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And finally, Malaysian officials are planning on dumping 196,00 cans of confiscated beer down the drain. It’s as if a million sports fans cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

By Vin

Vin is a Philly boy who shouldn't be invited into your house because he'll judge you on your book and music collection. He owns Dawkins, Utley, Iverson, and Lindros jerseys, which is all you really need to know about him. He can be reached at [email protected].

2 replies on “Odds and Ends: Yankees fans aren’t delusional at all”

Hate the yankees —

but if you don’t think they’re gonna make the playoffs, then you are the delusional one my friend.

yeah, that’s right

yeah, that’s right

the rest of the country’s nuts — the fact that most of the country thinks the yanks will miss the postseason is bogus. for how much we all hate them, it’s the yankees after all.

-the big picture

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