ESPN had an interesting poll on how the addition of Roger Clemens affects their postseason chances. A majority of voters (48%) said they’d miss the playoffs while 17% though they will be World Series Champs. What’s interesting is that only in 3 states do a majority of folks feel that the Yankees will be champions at year’s end: New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Delusion in a powerful force. (via be Recruited)
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And finally, Malaysian officials are planning on dumping 196,00 cans of confiscated beer down the drain. It’s as if a million sports fans cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.
2 replies on “Odds and Ends: Yankees fans aren’t delusional at all”
Hate the yankees —
but if you don’t think they’re gonna make the playoffs, then you are the delusional one my friend.
yeah, that’s right
yeah, that’s right
the rest of the country’s nuts — the fact that most of the country thinks the yanks will miss the postseason is bogus. for how much we all hate them, it’s the yankees after all.
-the big picture