Hello Santa Clara!
Everyone is up in arms today because the 49ers have announced that they’re going to build their next stadium in Santa Clara instead of the current site at Candlestick Point. Let us fill you in on something, it’s all just one big suburb of San Francisco anyway. If you can drag yourself to freezing ass cold (by SF standards) Candlestick, you can drag yourself to Santa Clara.
Yes, technically the closest big city is San Jose but there’s no way that the name of the team is going to change from the San Francisco 49ers to the Santa Clara 49ers or the San Jose 49ers. The team’s headquarters are already in Santa Clara, what’s the difference if they play their games there.
As owner John York said:
Nothing will persuade us to change the name of the San Francisco 49ers, one of the most storied brands in the world of sports.
And by “storied” he means “marketable”.
Now, let’s just hope the new stadium has a better name than Dick’s Stadium or the short (never?) lived Pink Taco.
[SFGate.com]: 49ers seek new stadium in Santa Clara
[SFist]: It’s Thursday– Do You Know Where Your Sports Team is Playing?
One reply on “Everyone relax… it’s still the San Francisco 49ers”
santa clara is NOT san francisco — Don’t care what’s they’re called, but Santa Clara is worlds away from San Francisco. The new stadium will be next to Great America, fer chrissake.
No self-respecting SF resident will make the drive. And yes, we really are that snooty and Santa Clara is really that cheesy.
John York is a total idiot, in case you couldn’t tell from the team’s performance under his ownership.
Just because you’re a nearby suburb does NOT give you claiming rights. Just so we’re clear,
Santa Clara is NOT San Francisco
Fremont is NOT Oakland (for you baseball fans)