Hey kids, snack time!
A Reading, PA pee wee hockey coach has resigned after acknowledging that he gave his players “performance-enhancing pills”. The pills in question were over-the-counter glucose tablets that boosts energy. Jeff Kantner, of the Reading Junion Royals, said that he gave the 11 and 12-year-olds the tablets to counteract the effects of too much candy. How do you keep kids from coming down off a sugar high? Give em more sugar! Seems brilliant to us.
“Off camera, the youth players told NBC 10 they had no adverse reaction to the pills and they are upset about losing their coach.” Hell, who doesn’t like a coach that hands out sugar pills? Next time Kantner, be smart about it and just hand out some kisses. Hershey’s that is. The other kind would get you in a whole different kind of trouble.
[NBC10]: Youth Coach Accused Of Giving Pills To Players