Dallas Cowboys

Just who the hell is Tony Romo?

We’re not really sure how an athlete who botches a crucial game winning FG in the playoffs can get so much love but it seems now that Jessica Simpson is going out of her way to try to meet Tony Romo.

First, a little history. On his first MNF game, Tony Romo mentioned that his celebrity crush was Jessica Simpson. The next thing you know, there are rumors flying all over the place that he’s dating her because he left two tickets for her dad at a Cowboys game. That was pretty much gossip rag invented crap. Then, out of nowhere, he scores Carrie Underwood, the hottest thing ever to come out of American Idol and he’s judging the Miss Universe contest.

But that’s not all. Romo reportedly has dumped Carrie Underwood because she wants a commitment and he “wants to focus on football” so he needs his space. And his space includes inviting Jessica Simpson to Dallas after the Jessica Simpson camp (stupid celebrities) made a big push to get her and Romo together.

If you’re not a Dallas Cowboys fan, you’ve got to love this nonsense that’s going on here. Pretty soon, T.O. will be sick of Romo’s media coverage and do something really stupid. And that basically will be a complete blogger meltdown day. We can’t wait.

By the way, look at the two photos of Carrie Underwood and Jessica “I am going through male hormone therapy” Simpson. Is Tony Romo going blind, insane, or gay? Maybe he and A-Rod can go cruising for she-males together.

By Vin

Vin is a Philly boy who shouldn't be invited into your house because he'll judge you on your book and music collection. He owns Dawkins, Utley, Iverson, and Lindros jerseys, which is all you really need to know about him. He can be reached at [email protected].

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