TNT has decided to launch a MySpace page in order to further promote their domination of the upcoming playoff coverage. The page has a blog, playoff schedule, TNT crew bios and other interactive multimedia experiences just waiting to be enjoyed by the NBA faithful. And you thought that MySpace was just for ditzy girls and perverted old men.
In other news…
[SignOnSanDiego.com]: Joe Frazier loves his daughter; he just has a hard time trusting her with his cash.
[The Sun]: European soccer club owner tells American billionaire that he can take his money and shove it!
[eBay]: For just $15,555; you too can be a champion.
[USA Today]: Getting arrested sucks but getting arrested on accident really sucks ass.
[Our Book of Scrap]: Why doesn’t SI just rename itself MaximSports and get it over with?
And finally, in our “Well, duh!” story of the day; Victoria’s Secret released their list of the sexiest entertainers
and the smokin’ hot Jessica Alba was named the sexiest actress. Alba’s an excellent choice regardless of the competition, but Victoria’s Secret definitely made the right choice considering Danica Patrick also made the list. Danica Patrick?!? Having Patrick and Alba on the same list for sexiest entertainer is like having Tiger Woods and Charles Barkley on the same list for best golfers.