Atlanta Falcons

PETA is retarded

We’re not fans of Michael Vick around here but even we have to call bullshit on PETA’s request for Falcons owner Arthur Blank to suspend Vick pending the investigation of his involvement in a facility that trained pit bulls for dog fights.

Look, we’re not fully convinced that Vick didn’t know what was going on at a property that he claims he simply let a family member use, but we also agree with something called due process. The PETA folks wrote a letter urging Blank to suspend Vick immediately and release him if “animals on his property are found to have been neglected or used for fighting.” Sounds a bit harsh doesn’t it? Even if the animals were trained for fighting (which is utterly despicable), that isn’t a reason to release Vick. Unless he was aware of the activities taking place at that property, he really shouldn’t be held accountable. Sure it’s another black mark on his record but hardly one worthy of release.

By the way, how about Michael Vick using Suzy Kolber as his personal PR whore to tell the fans that he is going to change.

I’m taking it upon myself and giving everybody my word that things are going to get changed around. Things are going to get turned around. I have a game plan for it. … The company I keep, a lot of things (have) got to change, and I mean that from the heart.

Hey, maybe Vick will turn it all around and turn into the player he was hyped to be coming out of college. But we doubt it.

**We would like to apoligize to retarded folks everywhere for comparing them to PETA.


[Ottawa Sun]: PETA wants Vick sacked

[Lexington Dispatch]: Vick Pleads Ignorance in Dog-Fight Case
[USA Today]: Vick ‘hurting’ inside after talk with Goodell

By Vin

Vin is a Philly boy who shouldn't be invited into your house because he'll judge you on your book and music collection. He owns Dawkins, Utley, Iverson, and Lindros jerseys, which is all you really need to know about him. He can be reached at [email protected].

3 replies on “PETA is retarded”

yea.. — “Hey, maybe Vick will turn it all around and turn into the player he was hyped to be coming out of college.”

and then pigs will fly

VICK SHOULD BE FIRED — This isn’t the first time we’ve known about some football players and their unconscionable behavior regarding the cruelty to dogs.

Michael Vick and other players who are cruel to these poor helpless dogs need to be FIRED!!!! He is a looser!!
What kind of person does this to animals? What kind of people in power positions in the NFL allow their players to behave like this…and get away with it?!
Disgusting. They should be embarrassed. What do their children and grandchildren think of them to condone this?
Vick should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Ideally, he’d be treated the way those dogs were!

PETA are Terrorists — Came to my old man’s house and wrote all over his home with spray paint and through paint all over three cars.

All because he’s in FINANCE for a company that tests drugs on animals.

Goodness gracious.

Wait till one of those hippies has a parent or friend dying of cancer. Want treatment? Tough shit hippie.

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