New York Knicks

Sing along as Isiah Thomas is loathed in song

Humongous props to Ryan Parker Songs for putting together this awesome ditty about Isiah Thomas’ ineptitude. If you ask us, this song has everything necessary to become the next big sensation to sweep the nation, taking over radio stations from coast to coast. Now, we’re no music critics, but we have to admit we have an ear for these types of things. After all, we were listening to “Who Let The Dogs Out?” and “Mambo No. 5” for months before they became favorites in the hearts of all Americans. So, without further ado, we give to you “The Isiah Thomas 25 Year Rebuilding Plan”:

I used to think Isiah was just lazy,
Or just a guy who’s had some rotten luck,
But now it’s clear he’s clinically crazy,
So I can say it’s obvious he sucks,

Cause he says the Knicks are going to win a title,
And he’s going to leave a lasting legacy,
But he’s missing some components that are vital,
Like players who will play for more than me,

Isiah must be suffering from some form of dyslexia,
That’s causing him to read the scoreboard wrong,
He must think New York is winning while they’re always getting crushed,
And his championship plan is going strong,
Spike Lee and Chris Rock can afford to waste their money,
But what about the average New York fan,
Everybody but James Dolan seems to think it isn’t funny,
While they’re watching the Isiah Thomas 25 year rebuilding plan,

Isiah says he wants to leave a blueprint,
To show teams in the future how to play,
But one day our kids will ask us where the Knicks went,
And we’ll say Isiah took the team away,

Now I won’t question who is on the court or starting,
Cause I’m quite sure I’ve already said enough,
To merit an ejection from the Garden,
Where free speech is all that’s getting stuffed,

Isiah must be suffering from some form of dyslexia,
That’s causing him to read the scoreboard wrong,
He must think New York is winning while they’re always getting crushed,
And his championship plan is going strong,
Spike Lee and Chris Rock can afford to waste their money,
But what about the average New York fan,
Everybody but James Dolan seems to think it isn’t funny,
While they’re watching the Isiah Thomas 25 year rebuilding plan …


[Ryan Parker Songs]: The Isiah Thomas 25 Year Rebuilding Plan


Are we the last ones to find out that Jackie Chan has a sweet set of pipes?

We knew that the dude could kick some butt, but we didn’t know he could do it harmonically. Turns out that the action hero/crazy stunt guy has a bit of a side career in music and now he’s going to be the voice of the 2008 Olympics.

The 53-year-old actor, best known for his daredevil stunts, has recorded “We Are Ready,” the official countdown song to the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics.

He spent three hours recording the song during a recent trip to Beijing, Chan said in a blog entry on his Web site Wednesday.

Apparently, Jackie was taken back by the lyrics to the song. And now, if we may, we’d like to receipt a stanza for you now.


Waiting year after year/ We can see into the future/ Together with hard work and sweat, we’ve created the five different (Olympic) colors

Wow, that really does leave you feeling a shudder in your soul. You know, Jackie, you should really considering getting rid of your current lyricist because the crap he’s writing for you now just doesn’t even make sense.

Yep, he’s totally holding you back.


[]: Jackie Chan flexes his vocal muscles
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Ottawa Senators

Another stupid song takes a city by storm

Every time the playoffs come rolling around in any sport, it can only mean one thing: it’s time for some opportunistic musician to exploit the occasion by making a crummy song about some team that attempts to unify a city’s dreams. In Ottawa that opportunistic musician is local rapper Belly and that crummy song is cleverly entitled “Go Sens Go.”

I’m a Sens fan like everybody else,” Belly says. “I just wanted to get the team hyped every time they got out on the ice.

We don’t know if the song is actually hyping up the players necessarily since it has only been played inside the arena once, which was during Monday night’s win in Ottawa that gave the team a 3-0 lead in the East finals, but it certainly appears to be mesmerizing the locals. Since debuting the song last Thursday, as many as 50 calls per hour have been flooding the Hot 89.9 station. So, without further ado, we give to you “Go Sens Go;” crappy voiceover by Ray Emery at the beginning and all.

Did we just see Snoop sporting a Senators jersey? Damn, talk about a jumping on the bandwagon! Last month Snoopy was rooting for the Ducks and now this. And what ever happened to being purple and gold through and through? This guy jumped on The City’s postseason wagon as well. What’s next? Are we going to start seeing The Dogfather in the stands in Salt Lake City during the West finals?


[]: Rapper psyched for Sens