Koren Robinson has some serious issues he needs to take care of, but since the police decided to let him out of jail, for now, they had to go high-tech to keep an eye on their inmate over the remaining 45 days of his sentence while also working at a local hospital. The cop fleeing, drunken driving, substance abusing Robinson was outfitted with an electronic monitoring device and released on April 7. Too bad the Packers don’t have that kind of technology to keep a watch over their investment with.
In other news…
[WWLTV.com]: Pokey Chatman wants to have sex with her players AND get paid for it. Good luck with that.
[SportsbyBrooks.com]: Louis Gossett Jr. likes going to Lakers games; he just doesn’t like to pay for it.
[IHT.com]: The Japanese sure know how to motivate their players.
[Chron.com]: Apparently New York signed some hot shot soccer star, or so we’re told.
[Our Book of Scrap]: Cubs fans like their beer
[Deadspin]: We’d hit it. (The woman, not the 15-year-old boy.)
And finally, we have a perfect example of why kids shouldn’t smoke. Not only will it make you smell bad, turn your teeth yellow and possibly give you cancer, but it could get you thrown in the slammer. Well, that’s what happened to these kids in Iowa after police charged them with the theft of more 500 cartons of cigs. In related news, Vlade Divac wants to know why he hasn’t received his weekly shipment of menthols yet.