Some guy over at the Fanhouse did some top-notch investigative journalism and found Jeff Garcia and Carmella DeCesare’s wedding registry on Williams-Sonoma. For a guy who just signed a $7M contract, Garcia’s registry is somewhat normal. Outside of a $1,600 knife set (on sale for $1,200!), it’s like a registry you’d find for poor people. (Poor relative to NFL players poor, not we’re registered at K-Mart poor.)
Anyone want to chip in on some Blueberry Waffle & Pancake Mix? Only $9.50 plus shipping!
In other news…
[AP]: EU wants barriers to sports bets lifted. (meanwhile we can’t even legally have an office pool)
[Seal Clubbers]: Seattle closes the door on Jerramy Stevens
[Can’t Stop the Bleeding]: Hey at least he didn’t wait till he was 24 like Shaun Alexander
[Newsday]: Bob Uecker’s stalker is back!
[Awful Announcing]: Does this mean we have to hate UNC now?
[49ers News]: Look out Niners fans, Rosenhaus is trying to ruin your team