Dallas Cowboys

We know most car dealers are shady characters, but Pacman? Really? Pacman?

We’ve learned to live with Deion Sanders. Growing up, we absolutely loved watching Primetime work his magic on the field. Now, we’re just stuck listening to the guy because he’s one of the biggest camera hogs to ever to hit the small screen. Still, if Deion tells us to buy Pizza Hut, Nike, Pepsi and Burger King then we’re out the door buying Pizza Hut, Nike, Pepsi and Burger King products galore. Hell, we even bought a buttload of the Deion Sanders Hot Dog Express makers to shower on our friends come Christmas time. (Bet you’re wondering how to get on that list, huh?) However, we’re abhorred over Sanders’ latest endorsement, but it has nothing to do with the merchandise itself; we just refuse to buy anything approved by Pacman “Don’t Call Me Pacman” Jones.


[You Been Blinded]: Adam Jones Pimpin Cars With Deion Sanders

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