New York Yankees

When it comes to nipples, everyone has standards

People say that the world is in a sad decline and standards have gone out the window. May we present the story of Gia Allemand, student by day, engaged to Yankees pitcher Carl Pavano by night. Gia is hot. And when you’re hot and want attention, what do you do? You enter Maxim’s Hometown Hotties contest.

However, it doesn’t end there. Gia was also pursued by Penthouse for a spread. (Take that, Anna Benson!) However, Gia is a girl of high moral standards and would only do a photo spread if she could cover her nipples with her long hair. Meanwhile, Penthouse too has their standards, a “no hair over the boobs” policy. We imagine their response to Gia to be something along the lines of “we’re Penthouse, you’re lucky you’re not getting peed on.” See? Standards. Alive and well.

Meanwhile, Carl Pavano is still useless.

[WBRS]: The Next Anna Benson…Ms. Gia Allemand

[Maxim]: Gia’s hometown hottie page

By Vin

Vin is a Philly boy who shouldn't be invited into your house because he'll judge you on your book and music collection. He owns Dawkins, Utley, Iverson, and Lindros jerseys, which is all you really need to know about him. He can be reached at [email protected].

9 replies on “When it comes to nipples, everyone has standards”

Fake Girls — Let’s call a spade a spade. Look at the pictures of Gia now and the pictures of her on all the modeling websites she subscribes to, pay particular attention to her now VERY small upturned nose.  Look at the shnozz in all the pictures posted after the accident.  This girl has had more plastic surgery than Joan Rivers and she’s only 23~!  Also, what is she a “student by day” of?  Nail filling, clapping and yelling “go Carl” perfectly, or how about coming up with good poses to show off her new face and new ring?  Why does her Maxxim page say she’s single, and why would she want to be in the magazine if she’s landed her man?

I’m suspicious, I think Carl is insane, and I’m wondering why his mother hasn’t slapped him in the head and told him to wake up.  What’s a nice Italian boy doing with a tramp from Queens who looks like a piece of fettucini more than she looks like she ever ate a piece in her life.

Maybe he needs another line drive to the head.

Transparency — This girl and situation is as transparent as cellophane.
Girl is involved in accident, girl leverages accident and conducts various interviews with NY Media, girl gets name recognition by association and her modeling career is boosted, girl gets more plastic surgery, girl gets pregnant, girl gets engaged, girl follows Pavano to spring training, has a undisclosed “medical emergency” requiring Pavano to miss his first spring training start after trying to gain credibility with team and management, Pavano misses 8 days of spring training….Can it get any worse for this guy?  Well girls…BEHOLD THE POWER OF SILICONE DD’s!!!!

so true — that last comment was as true as it gets! So sad for someone her age to lower herself to that degree. Get a life! I think everyone is sick of hearing about Carls ‘student by day’ (shes not even in school), ‘model’ (miss taj mahal, did you see the other sluts- BUSTED UGLY!), plastic surgery seeking hound, mother to be that is trying to pose nude while impregnated with his kid! YYYUUUKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! He can keep her

wow jealous — wow shes pregnant? how many month? In my opinion I think everyone needs to leave their relationship alone. They are happy and she said  that she wasnt doing penthouse, unfortunately for us men but good for her that she has morals and is keeping her clothes on. I think she is to young to be a mother but hey carl has millions they can get a nanny. I like Gia since carl has met her besides the car accident he has been doing amaziing we might just get our moneys worth. I have to Thank Gia

A fraud? — As a “beat” baseball reporter, we’ve heard rumors, and although unconfirmed, but close to being confirmed here’s what we’ve uncovered:

Gia was pregnant
Miscarriage or Abortion?
Gia is no longer pregnant
Gia and Carl have separated, and are no longer engaged, seems like Carl broke off the engagement shortly after the “medical emergency/condition”.
Gia had a nose job and at least two breast surgeries, may have had lip enhancement work as well.
Gia may be an assumed name.
Carl is better off without her, family, friends and agent all advised against the union.
Carl is focusing on his comeback.

holy crap — I somehow have missed this whole discussion.  

I didnt realize people hated her so much.

Thanks for the link — Enjoy all of the comments from “anonymous”.  Check out the comments in the article you linked for me.

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