The Cincinnati Enquirer released the police video of the Odell Thurman arrest today. It’s long and uneventful except for one thing — you can get Odell Thurman’s social security number from it. From his player page, you know he was born on 7/9/1983. Now you figure out his mother’s maiden name and you’re good to go. Better hurry up though, there’s speculation that Thurman will be suspended a full year by the NFL for this latest infraction since he was already serving a 4 game suspension. That money is going to dry up fast.
You’d think the police or the Cinci Enquirer would have the good sense to bleep out his social security number when releasing the video. But you know, maybe those annoying Visa commercials have squashed identify theft already.
[Cincinnati Enquirer]: Video: Thurman’s arrest
[Cincinnati Post]: Thurman faces new suspension