Talk about pressuring your kids. A man in England placed 100 pounds at 100/1 that his son would play for the English football team by the time he was 30. Well, that son got to play Wednesday in the second half of a game between England and Greece. That man is now 10,000 pounds richer.
Another man put 20 pounds at 5000/1 that his grandson would become the captain of the England team. For those mathematically challeged, he stands to collect 100,000 pounds if it comes to pass.
As far as we know, there is no such wagering in the United States. And even if there were, what is the point? Making it to the professional level is already like winning the lottery. What’s an extra $10,000 or $100,000 when phenoms are signing $50M contracts out of college?
Instead, we think there are much better things to wager on. For example, how much of a sure thing was it that Kate Hudson would dump her husband (over the hill rockstar Chris Robinson) for Owen Wilson (the hour long buttlicker) after You, Me and Dupree? That could’ve been easy money. If there’s one thing that England has over us, it’s the ability to make basically any bet you want.
Here are some other sure things we’d bet on:
- Paris Hilton diagnosed with an STD
- Britney Spears ends up a fat disgusting pig with 5 kids. (almost there…)
- The Smoking Gun finds a copy of Tiger Woods’ deal with the devil
- Barry Bonds is proven to have knowingly used steroids
- A Trailblazer and a Bengal get together to knock over a liquor store
- and finally… Jessica Biel’s ass will cause a traffic accident
[Yahoo]: Man bets that son would play for English soccer team