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For the future track and field stars of America: javelins are sharp

July 7, 2007 will probably be remembered for the lavish, Hollywood wedding of Desperate Housewives actress Eva Longoria and San Antonio point guard Tony Parker, but while big time celebrities were getting drunk and dancing in France, Kyler Osborne was being impaled on a javelin.

The 14-year-old Osborne was practicing his favorite event for the Junior Olympics when, in a moment of frustration, he threw the javelin to the ground in front of him on an approach and simply ran himself right through the back, equally sharp, end of the spear.

My steps were off and I was frustrated, so I threw it in the ground in front of me and my momentum kind of carried me into it. It happened so fast,” said Kyler. “I came back off of it and I lifted up my shirt and saw there was a pretty good-size hole.

Kyler’s father rushed him to the hospital and to their surprise, instead of finding a relatively minor puncture wound, the doctor discovered that the javelin went through his entire body and put a small hole in his liver and nicked a lung but miraculously avoided his heart, gallbladder and at least three major arteries.

It was 07/07/07, so it was really my lucky and unlucky day, all at once,” said Kyler.

We’re thrilled that Kyler escaped serious injury and is expected to make a full recovery because now we get to say that we tried to warn him.


[]: Close call with a javelin