Johnny Tapia has been through hell in his life. His five world championship titles might seem like a blessing, but they are outnumbered by the amount of times that he has been declared clinically dead (6). Now, Tapia faces death once again as he lies in an Albuquerque hospital bed in critical condition after apparently overdosing on cocaine. Just two weeks ago, Tapia won a majority decision in what many believed would be his last fight. But it was clear then that the fighter had not gotten over his past demons.
Every day, I’m doing good. But if I want to go drink right now, I can,” Tapia said. “Nobody tells me what I can do or what I want to do. I’m trying to do for my family and myself, but if I want to go party, I’ll party.’
You would think that Tapia would have been scared straight by this point, but if six brushes with death won’t do the trick then number seven will probably prove to be fruitless as well. Should Tapia pull through his life threatening ordeal, he will still have to face being charged with possession of a controlled substance. But getting processed on drug charges is as routine to him as getting his hands taped up. It’s just time consuming.