Yes! Another INT closer to 277
Fans all over the NFC North are celebrating today. Brett Favre has announced that he will be back for the 2006 season. After sitting on the pot for 4 months, the gunslinger is back to break the all-time INT record. Like all competitive athletes, Favre is back to prove that he is in fact the best — the best interception thrower in the history of the NFL. Take that, George Blanda!
They are going wild in the streets of Detroit, Minnesota and Chicago today because they are guaranteed easy victories over one of their division rivals and any coach or player with INT incentives will be able to reach them. Hmmmm… perhaps not all over the NFC north — they can’t be celebrating in Green Bay. All this does is delay the development of first round draft pick Aaron Rodgers so that the Packers will be a bad to mediocre team for at least another two years.
Fans will argue that Favre has earned the right to play another season in the NFL. Yes, we agree. But that season was 2002.
[Green Bay Press-Gazette]: Favre tells Packers he’ll be back
[Sportscolumn]: Even Packers fans are sick of Favre