LA Clippers

All of L.A. will soon be sporting Baron Davis beards

Baron Davis stunned the basketball world by bolting from Golden State for one of the most pathetic franchises ever in existence: the Clippers. There’s really only two ways this can work out for B-Dizzle, a) he helps turn around a team’s fortunes, dotting the NBA landscape with two relevant Los Angeles squads or b) he looks back in a few years and says “Dear Lord, what have I done?” Either way, Clipper Nation (if there is such a thing) wins big. The fans finally have a legitimate star to root for and he’s a hometown hero to boot. Davis deserves a lot of credit for making such a gigantic leap of faith, but, frankly, we think the City of Angels owes this guy a beer for being the influencing factor in the move. After all, how could B.D. resist this sultry serenade home?

LA Clippers

Sam’s cool on the outside, but he’s ready to go Alien on this dork

We always knew that it would be some nerdy white guy who’d go up to Sam Cassell and bust out the “E.T. vs. Gollum” question, but we just always hoped that it would be E.J. who `cowboyed up.’ Did we really just say that?

Listen kid, we’re no John Stossels or Geraldo Riveras (although we love the sweet `staches), but it might be good to extend your research beyond Wikipedia entries.


[Our Book of Scrap]: Sam Cassell Asked Whether He Looks Like An Alien Or Golum

LA Clippers

Top 10 Most Gruesome sports injuries: #6 Shaun Livingston

[Sportscolumn is running down the ten most gruesome sports injuries. Here’s #6]

Our No. 7 injury showed you just how painful a dislocated elbow can be. Now just imagine the same thing happening to your knee. Actually you don’t have to imagine, because Shaun Livingston took all the guess work out of the equation and provided photographic evidence of the pain. But if you want to experience the full effect of the injury, you’ll have to throw in some torn ligaments for good measure.

That’s exactly what happened to the Clippers’ Livingston when he picked up a loose ball and took it the length of the court for a routine lay-up. However, the landing was anything but routine as his leg twisted up like a pretzel beneath him, ending the point guard’s season. Livingston’s knee was ripped to shreds as he tore the anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament and lateral meniscus. Wow, now that’s an injury!

Back to #7 | Forward to #5

LA Clippers

So this is what a dislocated knee looks like

We haven’t seen a photo this disgusting since those tabloid pics of Britney’s cooter surfaced.

If you’re looking for more cringe inducing visuals, watch the video.