Fantasy Football

Everyone thinks they can win, that’s why it’s fantasy football

For all of the hours of late night studying, countless mock drafts, finger-number stat surfing and spousal neglect you put yourself through during the months leading up to and through the fantasy football season, odds are, you have absolutely nothing to show for it. As we all know from painful seasons past, there can be only one champion per year and the rest of the league is just a bunch of envious losers. So, just accept your fate now because Epic Carnival already has the Top 10 Reasons Why You Won’t Win Your Fantasy Football League.

10. Overpreparation.
9. Underpreparation.
8. Karma.
7. Draft position.

6. Fear.
5. Inebriation.

4. Endurance.
3. Homerism.
2. Callousness.
1. Idiocy.

So, pull out of those 15 leagues you’re in right now because you don’t have a chance in hell. Or at the very least, be ready to get a lot of shirt pointing from the lucky rookie of your league who manages to run the table.


[Epic Carnival]: Top 10 Reasons Why You Won’t Win Your Fantasy Football League

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