General Sports

The Talented Mr. Roto does NOT like waiting

If you’re anything like us then you waste at least 10 hours a day listening to ESPN podcasts. And we’re just scratching the surface on the pile of podcasts produced everyday by the Worldwide Leader in Sports. Most of the time, nothing juicy happens. Mike Tirico blabbers to Scott Van Pelt, Barry Melrose gets interviewed by some hockey dork and if you’re lucky then you’ll hear someone make fun of Stu Scott’s lazy eye. So, why do we even bother listening to this stuff? It’s all for moments like this between football yapper Jeremy Green (son of “If you want to crown their asses then crown `em” Dennis Green) and annoying douches Matthew Berry and Nate Ravitz.

Fantasy Baseball
by bsap11

Damn, a couple more minutes and we were bound to have a situation like this on our hands.


[Awful Announcing]: ESPN Fantasy Podcast Fights Are Fun

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