College Football

Reading a college football schedule just got easier, if that’s even possible

If this is too confusing then we can dumb it down
for ya.

Men are a visual species who typically want everything to be relayed to them in the most basic, cavemanesque methods possible. The last thing any real man wants to do is read, right? Words have their place and all, but if we can obtain all the info we need in a picture then that allows more time for important things like staring at the big, glossy pictures of Jessica Alba in one of those random men’s magazines that are all the rage right now. See, we don’t even know what trashy publication we’re reading because we’re too focused on the exposed skin!

So, we were totally thrilled to come across this sweet Excel spreadsheet that makes life, oh, so much easier. Not because the entire college football season is all in one place and right at our fingertips, but because instead of using those damn, annoying words like “Florida State” or “Oregon,” there’s a nice little picture of the team’s helmet!

Just think of all the time you’ll save this season because there will be no more encoding and decoding the messages that normally accompanies a schedule. There’s going to be a whole lot more time spent staring at the picture box now that you won’t be bothered with the time consuming process of reading phrases such as “Nebraska at Texas.” So, thanks to whoever wasted hours of their life creating this bad boy just so we can waste more hours of our life doing virtually nothing. We’re putting this right up there with the Michael Vick dog toy as the football fan’s must-haves for the season.


[Awful Announcing]: The Guy Who Invented This Is An Evil Genius
[Cobra Brigade]: You Want a NCAA Football Schedule

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