Badjocks.com posted photos from 12 college team initiations and now the fun is over for everyone. Three more colleges, Quinnipiac, Kenyon, and Catholic University are investigating whether the photos are evidence of hazing taking place.
We don’t promote or condone making people do things against their will but a little underaged drinking and strippers isn’t really that bad. As long as there’s no sticking fingers in players rectums, what’s the harm in a little team bonding?
We have to give credit to Quinnipiac for not overreacting in the wake of the Duke lacrosse scandal.
John Morgan, a spokesman for Quinnipiac — which had pictures purporting to be of some baseball team members dressed in women’s underwear posted — said: “We’ve seen some pictures that have come to our attention, but it’s not clear to us that our baseball players are involved in anything that raises concerns. We’re looking into it.
[USA Today]: More colleges investigating alleged hazing
[SI]: Catholic U looks into lacrosse party
3 replies on “Three more colleges investigating hazing photos”
Some friendly advice… — If you are a college student
I know that digital cameras are really popular, cool and easy to use…..
If you are at a party where you or any member of the team:
Catholic university?
Twat eater…hehehe —
yeah.. — just apply vegas rules to any “initiation” and you’re fine.