The NBA is taking some serious heat over the allegations that one of their refs was involved in fixing games and it didn’t take David Letterman long to start kicking David Stern and Tim Donaghy while they’re down. On Tuesday night, Dave bashed the fellas with this little nugget of comedic gold.
Top 10 Signs A Referee Is Fixing Games
10. He leads the league in blocked shots.
9. When talking about the Spurs, he says “we.”
8. After 6 seconds, calls a 24-second violation.
7. He’s drawing up plays.
6. Before tip-off, scoreboard reads 58 to nothing.
5. Teams have scored a record number of 2-pointers, 3-pointers and 8-pointers.
4. Tossed one of the other officials out of the game.
3. Has Eddie Brill’s telephone number on speed dial.
2. Miami Heat hasn’t lost a game since Shaq promised to help the referee’s fat son.
1. The Knicks are winning.
[]: Letterman’s take on referee scandal
One reply on “In the midst of a crisis, David Letterman makes us laugh at the NBA”
I haven’t laughed at a Leterman top 10 list in — probably 20 years but that was good