In case you missed Barry Melrose’s recent analysis of the New Jersey Devils new arena and its immediate surroundings then just zip ahead to the 1:40 mark and enjoy.
“Don’t go outside if you have a wallet or anything else.” C’mon Melrose, you can’t say stuff like that. Who do you think you are? Charles Barkley?
Well, as you might imagine; as soon as the hate mail started rolling in, it didn’t take long for Barry to realize that he had just gagged pretty hard on his toes. After that, it was damage control time.
Melrose said he has driven through Newark before but has not been to the Prudential Center. He said he based his comments on footage aired by Canadian broadcaster TSN before the Devils’ first game at the new arena Oct. 27.
“I was trying to be funny and I’m sorry it didn’t come through that way,” he said by phone from St. Louis. “No excuse. When I talk I don’t want to offend anybody. I love hockey and I want Newark to be a success. I certainly never wanted to hurt the feelings of the people of Newark or the people of New Jersey. There was no malice on my part.
Trying to be funny, huh? We see that Rick Reilly’s move to ESPN is already affecting your comedic delivery.
[Washington Post]: Melrose Offers Apology for Newark Joke
[USA Today]: ESPN’s Melrose sorry for remarks about Newark