Family is suppose to be there for you through thick and thin, even if your name in Tank Johnson. And as unbelievable as it sounds, somebody out there has a soft spot in their hearts for the former Bear. Lucky for Tank, he’s got at least two people who are still on his side; his grandparents.
It hurts,” Johnson’s grandfather, Harvey Johnson, said. “When I read the paper about Tank Johnson, it really hurts
We’re hoping that he would get himself together, and if not… he’s got my prayers every day of the week,” Johnson’s grandmother, Alice Johnson said.
“I’d just like to see him go through this life with a better report than what he’s got,” she said.
And if jail and losing his job aren’t enough to convince Tank that he’s on a road to nowhere, then maybe a pep talk from gramps will do the trick.
I’d like to sit and talk with him,” Harvey Johnson said. “Give me a call. Let me talk to him.
Good luck with that. Unfortunately, we have a feeling that you’ll be talking to a brick wall.
[CBS2Chicago.com]: Tank Johnson’s Grandparents On His Career