General Sports

Odds and Ends: Invincible #1 at the box office

Coach? I can do it again if you need a close-up

The Disney sports formula works again as Invincible takes in $17M at the box office on its opening weekend. Undoubtedly a majority of tickets were sold to Eagles fans. Snakes on a Plane, which got more internet hype than any movie not named Star Wars or Lord of the Rings only took in $15M in its opening weekend proving that a feel good movie will do better than a geeky internet phenomenon. Here’s a review of Invincible. (Self serving? Us? No…)

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By Vin

Vin is a Philly boy who shouldn't be invited into your house because he'll judge you on your book and music collection. He owns Dawkins, Utley, Iverson, and Lindros jerseys, which is all you really need to know about him. He can be reached at [email protected].

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